After enjoying the Fellowship Conference hosted by our church, Providence Chapel, in Denton, Texas for the past 8 years, I will finally be making the northward trek to Portland, Maine for the 2019 Fellowship Conference New England. This “sister conference” is hosted by our church plant, Redeeming Grace Fellowship, in Portland, Maine and I very much look forward to the fellowship with those dear Saints.
I will be preaching once or twice in this conference along side dear friends in the faith: Mack Tomlinson (one of my fellow elders in Denton), Jesse Barrington, and Nate Pickowicz. For the first time, I will get to meet Anthony Mathenia, who is also preaching at this conference for the first time.
If you are in the neighborhood (which in New England, the “neighborhood” covers several nearby states), come join us for an enjoyable, Christ-centered conference. It is our prayer that this conference will be used of God to once again ignite revivals in the spiritually needy New England states.